My kids have such different personalities. When Tuck started preschool last year, he cried and cried and cried. He was so worried that I wouldn’t pick him up. He was worried that he was going to miss something while not with me (like I’m that interesting and fun…please…) This behavior finally ended after about 9 weeks. He would still make sure that I would be picking him up but the tears were fewer and fewer (don’t think I wasn’t a little sad about this). But, one thing was for sure – I could ALWAYS count on a kiss and a hug when I dropped him off. And, most of the time it was instigated by him!….ahhh…enough to make a mother’s heart soar :-)
Well...his first day back was yesterday and yes he was a little apprehensive. There were no tears but I did get a hug and a kiss...I can deal with that:-)
Well, I take him to school today and he walks right in the room, gets to hug!, no kiss!... It was, "See ya later, Mom."...seriously??? I was just a little upset by this. If you're not gonna cry, at least give me a hug....geesh!
I guess all is right with the world in Mrs. Bolan's M-F class...
So as I said earlier, my kids are so so different. Today was Sawyer's first day. I was pretty sure she wouldn't cry as she's been dying to go to preschool for a year now. Last year it was as painful for her to drop off Tucker as it was for him. She wanted to go to school so badly. She's in hog-heaven this year.
Last week was parent orientation at the school. This was a night for parents only, as we were going over paperwork and things that were of absolutely no interest to the kids. After the meeting, I was greeted by Sawyer at the back door with the hugest smile on her face. "What's my teacher's name? What's my teacher's name?" Well, all the classes have two teachers so I was so excited to break the news to her. "Oh Sawyer, you don't have just one teacher, you have 2! Isn't that exciting?" With an even bigger smile on her face and now to the point of not being able to control her enthusiasm... "Tell me! Tell me!" I tell her that her lead teacher's name is Mrs. McCalla....huge smile on the girl's face:-) Then I continued with a huge amount of excitement and silliness in my voice.."And... Sawyer, you're never going to believe this, but your other teacher's name is...." She's so stinkin' excited. There's something about a child finding out who the teacher is that puts such a smile on the face. "...your other teacher's name is....Mrs.....TUCKER! Can you believe that! Her name is Mrs. Tucker!" My sweet little girl's face went from pure happiness, glee, and joy to her head falling to the floor, her shoulder's slumpling, and her poor little voice whispering, "...oh no..." It was so funny! She thought her Tucker was going to be her teacher and evidently she wasn't very happy about it:-) After I got my laughter under control, I explained to her that her teacher's name is Mrs. Tucker and that she in no way, shape, or form has anything to do with brother Tucker:-) She took the news VERY well and went off today with bells on. I picked her up and WOW! I don't think I've ever seen her so utterly and completely exhausted. (Thank you Mrs. McCalla and Mrs. Tucker:-) She fell asleep by the time we got to the church parking lot's stop sign...
So stinkin cute! I can't believe they're both old enough to go to preschool! I'm so jealous!
It just about brought a tear to my eye when I saw Sawyer sleeping. That is too cute!
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