Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mine, all mine.....

Is this really my child? This baby is never fussy ....#1 & #2 - lots of fussy going on

This baby loves his baby food ....#1 & #2 - two bites, done.

This baby has gone through 2 different sizes of binkies ....#1 & #2 - wouldn't even touch them

This baby would rather sit/ lie down and be entertained, smiling and laughing, than roll over ....#1 & #2 were rolling over at four & five months

This baby had his first tooth pop through today at 6 & 1/2 months ....#1 & #2 - no teeth until their first birthdays

But.....there's no mistaking those legs. Yep, he's mine, all mine:-)

1 comment:

Trasie Bressler said...

Give that baby some French Fries.....He has teeth!!!!! Exciting!

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