Friday, January 22, 2010

Brunch …. Dear Lord, …..

I’ll admit it.  Today was one of those REALLY off days for us.  I totally blew off getting breakfast around and by the time I realized it, it was too late for breakfast as we were an hour away from our lunchtime.  So what does one do?  BRUNCH, of course!  My kids love waffles so waffles it was….

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Tucker and Sawyer LOVE to pray.  I know, Dina’s biggest fear in the whole wide world is public speaking.  I remember my Sunday school teacher asking who would like to lead the prayer.  I was the biggest coward.  I would rather curl up in a fetal position in a corner than lead the Sunday school prayer.  Oh, and to have my dad ask if I would like to lead it at family dinners? … yikes….. 

My kids pray everyday at school so it’s very natural for them at home.

Sometimes, a little too natural….

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This was the part where she thanked the Lord for waffles….

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Is it bad that I was taking pictures during the prayer?  Please forgive me, Lord.


The Wrights said...

So funny ... wait! Did you make waffles from scratch?

Unknown said...


Nanny Nichole said...

Did she thank all the animals in the world?

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