Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Power of Words........

OK, so I screwed up today....... Sawyer goes in later this morning for her 14 month well check-up. This is of course the 'yucky' appointment because it's the one where she will get a series of 4 different shots. Dumb me -- I began to tell Tucker that Mommy was taking Sawyer to the Dr. this morning and that 'Button' was coming over to play with him while we were gone. In the same conversation, I, not knowingly, divulge that Sawyer would be getting shots. Sometime during the last couple of weeks, Tucker has figured out guns and shooting and getting shot......none of which I'm very happy about. Well, he hears that Sawyer is getting shots and he breaks down in a total meltdown. I guess he thinks I'm letting her get 'shot'. Why did I even use that word?!? At least I know he genuinely cares about her;-)

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